Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can I change the list of 'take five' forms that are available in the mobile app for users within my company?
The list of forms that are available in the mobile app can be configured in the dashboard app under 'Company Administration' -> 'Available Take Five Forms'.
There are a number of different out-of-the-box forms included, and you can make as many of them, or as few of them, available to your users as required.
2. Can I use a custom 'take five' form in the mobile app for my company?
But you cannot customize forms yourself, or create new ones, as forms have to be created in a proprietary format that has been optimized to run on a mobile device.
Email us a copy of your existing 'take five' form and we will give you a value for money fixed price quote to convert it and make it available in the dashboard app so it can be assigned to your users. The typical cost, dependent on complexity, is $330 AUD.
3. I want to create a large number of users. Is there a bulk import option available rather than using the dashboard app?
If you have over 200 users to create, email us an Excel file with a username column and an email column and we will bulk import them at no cost.
4. Can I view individual completed 'take fives' in the dashboard app?
There are reports in the dashboard app that allow the data entered to be seen in both a tabular text format and in a graphical format identical to the form used on the mobile app.
5. Can I receive an email with the 'take fives' that my employees submit?
Create a scheduled report in the dashboard app that is run whenever a 'take five' is submitted and it will be emailed to you. The employee that submitted the 'take five' will also be copied on the email.
6. Can I send an email to my supervisor with the 'take fives' that I submit?
Create a scheduled report in the dashboard app that is run whenever you submit a 'take five'. It can be sent to as many email addresses as required and you can add your own email address in the cc field.
Note that a simpler option is for your supervisor to create a scheduled report so they will receive an email when any of their employees submit a 'take five'. Refer to FAQ 5.
7. Can I export reports from the dashboard app?
Reports can be exported to various formats including, but not limited to, pdf, xlsx, and csv.
8. Can I enter emojis in the mobile app?
They are stored correctly and will display correctly on mobile devices. But depending on which browser you use with the dashboard app they may, or may not, always display correctly or even look like the original emoji that was entered on the mobile device.
9. Can I print a 'take five' that I have submitted?
From the dashboard app, not directly from the mobile app, and only if the 'take five' was submitted while you are logged into the mobile app with an account other that the default anonymous account. To print the submitted 'take five' find it in the individual on demand report, save the report to disk as pdf, then print it.
Alternatively, you can set up a scheduled report so you receive an email each time you submit a new 'take five' and you can then then print the 'take five' from your email client. Refer to FAQ 6.
10. Can I cross reference a 'take five' in the individual summary report back to a specific task, for example a workorder in our ERP system?
But only if your company is using a custom 'take five' form. When a custom 'take five' form is created, one of the data entry fields can be defined as the 'Reference Id' field, this field will then appear in the 'Reference Id' column on the individual summary report.