Signing up is free.
Evaluating the 'take five' app suite is free (no strings attached) for the first 90 days.
Ongoing use of the system (after the trial period) with up to 5 active users is free.
The trial is 100% fully featured, if at the end of the 90 days you wish to continue using the system (with more than 5 active users) then account packs of annual user licences can be purchased as required. There is no sneaky fine-print that automatically enrols you into a subscription at the end of the trial.
Licence packs are cumulative. For example, if exactly 165 users are required, then buy 1 licence pack of 100, 1 licence pack of 50, 1 licence pack of 10, and 1 licence pack of 5. You can do the math to work out if this is cost effective compared to just buying 2 licence packs of 100, as larger licence packs are cheaper per user.
The number of 'take fives' that can be created is unlimited.
A user account can be disabled if it is no longer required so that historical reporting information associated with that user account is retained. Disabled users do not take up a licence.
- • Purchase a 5 user licence pack : $28 AUD per user (total of $140) per year*.
- • Purchase a 10 user licence pack : $24 AUD per user (total of $240) per year*.
- • Purchase a 25 user licence pack : $20 AUD per user (total of $500) per year*.
- • Purchase a 50 user licence pack : $18 AUD per user (total of $900) per year*.
- • Purchase a 100 user licence pack : $15 AUD per user (total of $1,500) per year*.
- • Purchase a 250 user licence pack : $12 AUD per user (total of $3,000) per year*.
- • Purchase a 500 user licence pack : $10 AUD per user (total of $5,000) per year*.
- • Purchase a 1000 user licence pack : $7 AUD per user (total of $7,000) per year*.
- * Prices are exclusive of any applicable GST/VAT/GCT, which will be calculated after selecting your region/country on the purchasing page.
We use an e-commerce provider, FastSpring, to process payments. This allows us to sell around the world while focusing our efforts on the thing we do best; improving & supporting the software. If you require support during the licence purchasing process, first contact FastSpring consumer support. If they are unable to resolve the issue then contact us.
If you need to generate an invoice for your procurement department, then refer to the guide to generating an invoice.
If you need to register FastSpring as a supplier with your procurement department, then refer to the guide to set up FastSpring as a supplier.
Sign up for a 100% fully featured free (no strings attached) trial account in 30 seconds and start using the 'take five' app suite.